Case: upgrading to PADS4 2024.1 from an older version than 2022.2.
If you want to upgrade to PADS4 2024.1 your PADS4 version will be required to be up to date. In this case, that means that you have PADS4 2022.3 installed and up & running on your PADS4 server.
Any version before this (PADS4 2022.2 and lower) will not automatically update to 2024.1, and you will need to perform an intermediate upgrade first to PADS4 2022.3.
Applies to: all PADS4 versions equal to or below 2022.2 (when upgrading to PADS4 2024.1).
If you are coming from a version lower than 2021.3 allow the PADS4 server to migrate the content. Because from version 2021.3 and onward, PADS4 uses a closed content library system that needs time to convert the previous static content to an encrypted source.
Otherwise, the content library is not accessible and the content is not properly viewed or utilized on the PADS4 server directly after an upgrade. Below is an estimation of the time needed based on the size of your Content Library:
0-1 gigabyte: 30 minutes
1-10 gigabyte: 1 hour
10+ gigabyte: 4 hours